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  • Dan Sanders

TI11: How Thunder Awaken Stole the Show, and our Hearts

Updated: Feb 18, 2023

This TI (The International) has seen lower viewership, questionable production quality, but how much does that really matter?

We at Luckbox sponsored Thunder Awaken, who were knocked in the lower bracket semi-finals, placing top 6. It was a fantastic achievement, one against many peoples predictions (but not mine!). However, in the context of the game, it was frustratingly close and a real gutpunch to see them go home. It was perhaps one of the best games of TI mainstage history, as both map 1 and map 3 went against the odds. As a partner it hurts, but to be supporting a team with such a powerful storyline is so incredibly rewarding on a personal and brand level. It is a critical factor I always consider strongly, since performance metrics will always underline the business case of a proposal, but the story and alignment of brand values amplify that significantly.

Thunder Awaken stole the show in this event, becoming the best performing team in South American history at a Valve major event. This roster only took shape at the start of the year, and only one of the squad had ever been to TI. But, an impressive group stage followed by an even more impressive main stage performance brought the South American teamfight prowess to the masses.

As a fan, and sponsor, it’s never nice to see your team leave the competition. Value comes from getting more airtime and competitive victory. However, what makes it all worthwhile is the quality of games and intensity that this TI has shown. For here is where you build engagement and resonance as a brand, and have stories to leverage across the network. This has been a powerful partnership for Luckbox, apart from being strategically important, the story we now share in supporting their journey has provided an amazing source of brand equity. I have been involved in many partnerships, and these are the types of opportunities where you can seek to add real value, and drive deeper engagement from meaningful integration and support.

Credit is due to the game also. I am a current Quake Champions broadcast talent, but even I have to admit that there is nothing quite like Dota with regards to entertainment. The depth of strategy, action, and capability to see wild swings of momentum all mean we have no idea who might win. This event alone saw the longest game in TI history and a near comeback from over 100k net disadvantage. That is like a football team coming back from 6-0 down, with 2 men sent off. Understanding the value of choosing the right game for brand integration is also key.

It is a shame that Valve does not appear to foster the community, which is certainly something that has put more scrutiny on dwindling product performance in 2022, but take nothing away from the way in which they have developed a vibrant and cultured viewing experience. The quality of the game overshadows any issues that the event itself may have. Long may Dota and TI continue.

This is exactly what we, as sponsors, want. These storylines, the excitement, the intensity, this is what creates fans. Thunder Awaken went out in a blaze of glory, but perhaps gained more fans in doing so than they might have thought.

As a sponsor, and fan, I could not be prouder to be on the jersey of this amazing team.

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Feb 27, 2023

When Thunder Awaken was playing, I recorded my screen with a screen recorder (if you're interested in this too, visit this site, there's a whole collection of such recorders for windows 11) the best moments of the carry team. I made a video on youtube, I can send you the link if you're interested.

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